
Ceci Orlando, born on 01 / 10 / 1982, began playing the keyboard by himself in 1995, driven by an overwhelming and innate passion for music. Soon it was so close to the classical harmonies and the idea of a "music as an expression of deep thought".
The first public appearance was at a party organized by Martina Franca town (TA) in 1996, with a quote in Corriere Del Giorno (local newspaper).
From the first moments are born instrumental compositions (there are around 70 works between the primordial operas), in a style and musical taste that has evolved over time.

"Often, the keyboard has been my deepest confidant, friend, pure and devoid of opinion, the mirror that reflected my feelings... I discovered infinity, I flew over mountains and valleys... I have traveled really far... to the boundaries of my mind... "

A musical collaboration, from 1998 to 2009, was with Giuseppe Ruggieri (singer), initially in pairs and then with various group projects: to remember the band Black Davils, with Donato Raguso (electric guitar), born within the walls school, with which they were organized two concerts.
A major work was "Il destino dell’inerme" (Armless destiny), made from 2002 and completed in 2005: a modern work in classical key where Orlando and Giuseppe, piano and voice respectively, were known as Eterea (Ethereal).
In December 2004, was born the band Tentativo50 (50Attempt) with Giuseppe Ruggieri on vocals, Francesco Scarnera on bass, Vincenzo Cannarile on drums and Donato Raguso on electric guitar (replaced in later years by Marco Corrado and Durando Tegas). With the T50, there were several performances in the square and on the pub, with the birth of many compositions recorded on CD and DVD. This project was completed (but not the friendship between the band members) in late 2009.

Inspired by developments in prog-metal and classical harmonies are born, over the years, most recently solo instrumental works. These are works of composition, programming, sound editing: "Specchio del tempo” (Mirror of Time) [2003], "Puro istinto” (Pure instinct) [2004], "Fantasia" (Fantasy) [2004], "Ritratto del mio mondo” (Picture of my world) [2005], "CO2" (2007), "Introspezioni” (Introspection) [2009], "Retroazione negative” (Negative Feedback) [2010], "Verso te…” (Towards you...) [2011], Sunset on the lake [2011], Life stories [2013].

"Antologia” (Anthology) is the name of the musical scores and lyrics collection of the main compositions until 2008. This collection represents the history of his life: the story of a man who, observing his own world and dreaming of a different world, grows and matures over time with patience and humility, keeping alive his desire to improve as a musician and as a man.